Sustainability - Article -

Why are coffee prices going up?

There’s no doubt about it, 2021 has been a tough year for the UK, with what feels like the endless impact of COVID-19. It’s been tougher still on UK Businesses, who have also had to tackle European shipping limitations following Brexit on top of a global pandemic.Then there are UK Coffee Businesses, who have been hit hard by coffee prices reaching an unprecedented, all time high this year too. 

There’s no doubt about it, 2021 has been a tough year for the UK, with what feels like the endless impact of COVID-19. It’s been tougher still on UK Businesses, who have also had to tackle European shipping limitations following Brexit on top of a global pandemic. Then there are UK Coffee Businesses, who have been hit hard by coffee prices reaching an unprecedented, all time high this year too. 

What’s causing coffee price increases? 

Interruptions to global shipping processes and supply chains was inevitable in the midst of a global pandemic, but the biggest factor behind the 2021 surge in the value of Whole Bean Coffee has been climate change. 

Brazil has suffered the most, which is where at Presto we source the vast majority of our arabica beans. A third of all Brazilian crops were wiped out this summer following a drop in temperatures and frost ravaging the plants, which are grown only between 1300m and 1500m above sea level. So with crops reduced by a third and demand still high, the cost of beans that could be harvested has shot up.

Scientists have warned about this for a long time, and the volatile temperatures caused by global warming are finally having a very real impact on the coffee industry, amongst many others. It is certain there will be more strain on coffee reserves globally and this will continue to drive up the cost of coffee, for how long for is uncertain. 


Arabica coffee plants in Brazil damaged by unseasonal frosts. 

What action can we take? 

At Presto we are working hard minimise the impact of our business on global warming. We air roast our beans, producing 25% less CO2 emissions than traditional drum roasting, offer 100% recyclable packaging across our entire coffee range and are a proud member of 1% for the Planet. You can read more about sustainability at Presto in our 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

There’s a great deal we can do as coffee drinkers too. Being diligent with recycling packaging, trying alternatives to cow’s milk and only boiling the amount of water required (rather than filling the kettle each time), to name a few. 

We may be a small company, and we so very wish we could protect our customers from these price increases, but we promise to always strive to do everything in our power to ensure you receive the same great tasting, quality crafted coffee that’s people and planet friendly, no matter what. As coffee prices fluctuate, it's good to know about what you're getting, including caffeine levels. Our 'How Much Caffeine is in Coffee' guide offers insights.

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